Year end tax planning tips
Each year, as the 5 April approaches and the end of the financial tax year draws to an end, it’s important that you ensure your finances are as tax efficient as possible. Nottingham chartered accountants Clayton & Brewill provides some year end tax planning tips. Income tax – do you need to reorganise your income […]
Year-end tax planning for 2017/18 – top tips
As the 5 April gets closer and the end of the financial tax year draws to an end, it’s important that you ensure your finances are as tax efficient as possible. Nottingham chartered accountants Clayton & Brewill, provides some tips to help you with your year-end tax planning for 2017/18. Income tax – do you […]
Spreading income around the family – advice for business owners
Business owners often seek to minimise the tax position of shareholder-directors by involving members of the same family and using personal reliefs and lower rate tax bands of each person. But is this still an advisable strategy in the current anti-avoidance environment? Yvonne Jackson, partner and chartered accountant at Clayton & Brewill offers advice for business […]
GPs – should you form a limited company?
Stagnating profits and hefty tax bills mean that our GP and locum doctor clients often ask us if they should consider incorporating their GP practice into a limited company. Yvonne Jackson, head of Clayton & Brewill’s specialist GP team, weighs up the pros and cons of incorporation from a tax and compliance perspective. Tax savings are most […]
Make the most of your capital allowances
Doug Perry of Nottingham chartered accountants Clayton & Brewill encourages businesses to take advantage of the current generous limits for capital allowances. Capital allowances help you to reduce your tax bill, by allowing you to write off the cost of purchasing qualifying items against the taxable income of your business. Since April 2014, businesses have […]