Clayton & Brewill’s GP specialist Yvonne Jackson has helped a GP practice to secure a much needed £10,000 boost to its cash-flow through identifying unclaimed-for drug payments.
Yvonne explains.
Many small and single-handed GP practices are facing falling income levels and challenging times in terms of cash-flow and some have taken the unwelcome step of dispensing with the services of their practice manager in order to save on costs.
Unfortunately however this means that the work undertaken by the practice manager will start to fall on the GP – and with the best will in the world, GPs don’t always make the best business people!
We recently helped a practice to recover over £10,000 in unclaimed drug payments – the type of work that would normally fall within the remit of a practice manager.
When we were preparing the GP’s annual accounts we identified a discrepancy in terms of drugs purchased and reimbursements made. On revisiting their prescription log, the GP identified that they had missed making a substantial number of claims relating to prescription charges and a very welcome repayment of over £10,000 was secured.
Specialist accountancy services for GPs
By understanding the pressures that GPs face and the intricacies of the GP accounting procedures, Clayton & Brewill can be a useful sounding board and resource for single-handed GP practices.
For help with managing your cash-flow or preparing your annual accounts and tax return, contact Yvonne Jackson on 0115 050 3044 or by email.