The benefits of cloud accounting systems for small businesses

With the digital revolution and digital tax initiatives looming on the horizon, many small businesses are anxious about ensuring that they are compliant with the forthcoming requirements. One option to consider is investing in a cloud accounting system that complies with requirements. In this article, chartered accountants Clayton & Brewill explain the benefits of cloud […]

Thinking of starting a new business?

You’ve done the market research and established that your business idea has legs, so now it’s time to start thinking about the legal and financial aspects that will help you get off onto the best possible footing. At Clayton & Brewill we’ve helped hundreds of people to get started in business, preparing business plans, taking […]

£10k boost for GP practice

Clayton & Brewill’s GP specialist Yvonne Jackson has helped a GP practice to secure a much needed £10,000 boost to its cash-flow through identifying unclaimed-for drug payments. Yvonne explains. Many small and single-handed GP practices are facing falling income levels and challenging times in terms of cash-flow and some have taken the unwelcome step of dispensing […]